Boundless Belnap's

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Every now and again I find I do things that my mom does/did. it is crazy! well one thing I always remember was her socks. She would wear crew socks with tennis shoes around the house and they were always folded over. Sunday I put on jon's socks cuz my feet were cold and without even thinking I folded them down so they would stay on! I couldn't believe it!

I have a sock feddish. I love "collecting" socks from the different places I go. Every place I have been around the world I have bought a pair of socks:) any ways for Christmas I was in Kansas with Alison and her fam. Sweet Camilla got my a Christmas present! she gave me these cute socks:) I love them!! Thank you Camilla!


Blogger Brett and Andrea Evers said...

Cute socks! Isn't funny how we do things like our parents without even thinking about it. There are things that I always said I would never do like my mom and sure enough...I always do. Mirror, Mirror on the wall, I am my mother after all.

March 24, 2010 at 7:29 AM  

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