I know, I know
Yes I know, it's been a long time..lol
Jon and I are still in Mesquite, Nevada. We were called to be in the nursury when we first moved here. I am not a fan of the nursury at all. Well about a month ago, they needed a substitute in primary so they had Jon and I do it. I love primary. I have been in it since I was 18 years old. Well that same sunday we were sitting during singing time and I had Jon go and get paper and crayons. He came back with a smirk on his face and he wrote me a note. It said that he was just called to be in the Young Men presidency. I was like NO WAY. Not fair that I will be in nursury alone. So I called the primary presidency over (we are buddies). I was like, "Kristin, did you know that Jon was just called to be in the YM presidency? did you know about this?"
she said NO. So I said, "I hear you are having a hard time finding a sunbeam teacher, I will totally do it." About 2 weeks later I was called to be the sunbeam teacher! I love it!
Jon is 2nd counselor so he is over the deacons and scouting stuff.
I hurt my back again, but this time it is a nerve in my mid-spine that is being compressed and that nerve comes around to the chest. My back doesn't hurt but everytime I breathe, laugh, caugh, sneeze, talk, move...i feel like I am getting stabbed in the chest. It's horrible. It is especially horrible because I was on a training program to run a 10k the first week in January. We don't know how long recovery will be with my back...so now I am not sure if I will be able to make my goals. It's hard to not get depressed but I have had plenty of time to think how I will prevent this from happening again. So I am good for now. Just going with the flow. Jon is very helpful and loving. He treats me with tenderness. I am grateful for him.
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