Boundless Belnap's

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March '09

So much for the Snow and the cold weather leaving the Salt Lake Valley. We are still getting flurries here and there. Nothing new is going on here in "Zion", but that is because we are the boring party.

We are getting more excited for the arrival of friends next month, and trying our hardest to not be boring and have some fun stuff planned for her. In the mean time we are just working, trying to eat healthy, and exercise daily. This is taking a lot of our focus for the time being.

Sarah is getting more and more excited as days go by for her cruise. She cannot wait to spend multiple days on the deck of a boat in the, as she calls it "burning sun". We hope that this cruise is all she is hoping it to be.

Jon has become an active Crossfit'er. He had an encounter in an exercise that left him with a scar on his stomach. For photos go to look on the left hand side for the "WOD Archives" and then click on March. Scroll down till you see the battle scar. He thinks it makes him look tough, but come on Jon it was a 20" wooden box. :)

We hope that all is going well with the many fans of this page, and we appreciate the comments that remind us that we slack in the department of page updates. However in our defense we are a very boring couple, and therefore feel that the best time to update is when there is something to share....I guess we could try to do more things.

We give the fans what they want, till next time......

P.S. the reference to Zion was relative. Remember that you can spell the word Zion with some of the letters found in the word Arizona, but not with Utah. :)