Boundless Belnap's

Saturday, August 15, 2009

First Time for Everything!

I woke up and it was cloudy and rainy. I had no desire to do anything and I was really really tired. Our bedroom breaker tripped and would not reset. I decided that I needed to do something to get my mind off the breaker and being alone. I needed to do something to give me energy to get stuff done around the condo. So I went online and bought movie tickets to see Harry Potter again. I had two hours until the movie so I got up, got dressed, ate, did laundry, cleaned Jon's messy side of the bed :) and cleaned the living room. So apparently the movie worked, LOL.
I got to the theatre and actually saw the movie. I am 30 years old and this is the very first time I went to the movies by myself! ALL BY MYSELF! It wasn't that bad, it felt weird cause I didn't have Jon to put my legs up on. I would actually do it again:)

And even though Jon is gone he took care of the breaker, he contacted the electric people and made an appt for monday. He is so sweet, he knows that I don't like doing that stuff, especially when he is gone.

no pics yet

I am just writing a few things, I will have some pics in a few weeks:) Why then you may ask? Well, I am going on my 30th birthday CRUISE with my friend from work. We leave Aug 22nd and come home on the 27th. We are going to Mexico..i will tell you more about it when I come back.

So Jon is working at Casa Blanca casino in Mesquite (yes he gets DISCOUNTS!!!) and he is still trying to get into his groove since it has been a while since he has done HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning). He likes being home at a a decent hour now. Before, he was working from like 8am until 10 or 11pm, so we would never see him. Now he works from 7-3pm with a paid 30 min lunch and he gets FREE lunch! Isn't that COOL. He gets to take his nieces swimming when they come from school which they

I on the other hand am still in SLC. I have been working like 11-12 hour days for over time. So that is how I have been keeping myself busy. Today, Saturday, is going to be rough as will tomorrow, cause I am ALONE! I am SOOOO BORED. I can only read and clean so much you know. But I am starting to make plans with friends for the weekends so hopefully after my cruise I will be booked :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

another post for my peeps

So most know that we are once again moving. 7th move within 6 years of marriage, For the LOVE. But man we are EXCITED. Jon as been going from job to job since he was laid off. He realizes what he really likes to do so that is a plus.

Him finding the job in Mesquite was just too perfect. He loved working for Hines in Phoenix doing building maintance so doing HVAC at the casinos in Nevada will be cool.

We have been wanting to move to St George for a while to be close to April and her family, we love visiting them! We love the climate and we really miss the desert. So this will be a very good move.

So now Jon is gone to start work this week and I will be working like a MAD WOMAN until Labor Day when I go down to St. George! But I also have my cruise in two weeks that is keeping me busy.