First Time for Everything!
I woke up and it was cloudy and rainy. I had no desire to do anything and I was really really tired. Our bedroom breaker tripped and would not reset. I decided that I needed to do something to get my mind off the breaker and being alone. I needed to do something to give me energy to get stuff done around the condo. So I went online and bought movie tickets to see Harry Potter again. I had two hours until the movie so I got up, got dressed, ate, did laundry, cleaned Jon's messy side of the bed :) and cleaned the living room. So apparently the movie worked, LOL.
I got to the theatre and actually saw the movie. I am 30 years old and this is the very first time I went to the movies by myself! ALL BY MYSELF! It wasn't that bad, it felt weird cause I didn't have Jon to put my legs up on. I would actually do it again:)
And even though Jon is gone he took care of the breaker, he contacted the electric people and made an appt for monday. He is so sweet, he knows that I don't like doing that stuff, especially when he is gone.